Fieldnotes Blog

SAWC receives approval to develop Draft Instrument for In Lieu Fee Program!

SAWC receives approval to develop Draft Instrument for In Lieu Fee Program!

Resources, Restoration & Mitigation
The Army Corps of Engineers has approved the proposed ILF program Prospectus and has sent a letter of approval encouraging SAWC to move forward with developing a Draft Instrument for the program.   While SAWC does not yet have an approved ILF program, approval to begin developing a Draft Instrument is big step and a great milestone in the complex process of developing an approved program!  Learn more about In Lieu Fee programs and compensatory mitigation at the links below:   SAWC thanks all those who offered their initial support for the Southeast Alaska Mitigation Fund and for offering resources, statements of qualifications, and/or critical information to ensure its success.   Though there is still a significant amount work as we move forward, SAWC looks at this as a tremendous achievement- not only…
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Funding Opportunity for RSVP Programs

Funding Opportunity for RSVP Programs

    The Corporation for National and Community Service is making available the RSVP 2014 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).  CNCS anticipates it will award more than $14 million to local organizations that will sponsor RSVP programs.  The competition is expected to yield more than 92,000 senior volunteers who will serve in CNCS focus areas: disaster services, economic opportunity, education, environmental stewardship, healthy futures, and veterans and military families.   RSVP funding opportunities are available in 270 specific geographic regions in 45 states. Eligible organizations include nonprofit organizations, faith-based and higher education institutions, Indian tribes, and local public agencies, including city and county governments.   The 2014 RSVP NOFO, FAQs, and additional information are available at   Letters of intent to apply are due on August 9, 2013.  The…
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Registration Open for Northwest Tribal Water Rights Conference Oct 9&10

Registration Open for Northwest Tribal Water Rights Conference Oct 9&10

Events, Trainings & Opportunities
    The Sixth Annual Northwest Tribal Water Rights Conference October 9th & 10th 2013 - Alaska Native Heritage Center - Anchorage, Alaska    The Sixth Annual Northwest Tribal Water Rights Conference will be taking place on October 9-10, 2013 at the Alaska Native Heritage Center in Anchorage, Alaska. The theme of this year's conference will focus on how Native Alaskan Water Rights and sovereignty can be applied to protect in-stream flows, water quality, subsistence uses and food security in the Northwestern United states. Presentations will focus on case studies or strategies addressing how water rights, sovereignty, human rights, food security, environmental justice policies, mining and water, establishment of watershed councils, climate change, and traditional environmental knowledge. A Wild and Scenic Film festival will be held for evening entertainment. There will be a variety of short films that…
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Community Watershed Management Across Borders

Community Watershed Management Across Borders

Community Watershed Stewardship
  Last month organizers from the Alaska Conservation Foundation, The Nature Conservancy, EcoTrust Canada, and Tides Canada brought together community leaders and natural resource management practitioners from communities in Alaska, coastal British Columbia, and Washington.   Recognizing that natural systems do not acknowledge political borders and that informed management of our shared coastline ecosystem requires open communication and collaboration, these groups came together in Prince Rupert, BC with the goals of sharing economic development and capacity building strategies and their relationship to stewardship, building stronger relationships and understanding between regional communities, sharing innovative governance, training, and monitoring strategies and tools, and exploring the desire and developing a plan for continue collaboration and communication throughout the region.   Several presentations were given by community practitioners working toward community based watershed management…
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Renewable Energy in Kake

Renewable Energy in Kake

Community Watershed Stewardship
    The high cost of energy in rural Southeast communities can prove to be a large limiting factor to economic and community development. The community of Kake has begun to confront this problem by exploring opportunities for implementing the use of renewable energy in their community energy supply.   In a partnership with Southeast Alaska Conservation Council (SEACC), the community of Kake is exploring wind and solar energy options. An anemometer, or wind meter, has been installed above town to track available wind power. A set of solar panels have been installed in town that generate power to help operate the offices for the Organized Village of Kake.     The community is also looking toward biomass as a heat source to supplement the energy supply and reduce costs.…
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June Peer Network Teleconference: All About Biomass Energy

June Peer Network Teleconference: All About Biomass Energy

    This week, SAWC hosted a Sustainable Southeast Peer Network teleconference call that focused a discussion on biomass energy projects and resources available in the region. Karen Peterson of the UAF Cooperative Extension Service in Thorne Bay provided a wealth of useful information and resources to our community practitioners who are currently working on or interested in beginning renewable energy and biomass projects within their communities.   Some interesting facts from Karen on biomass in our region: * 70-75% of the energy used in the state of AK goes toward heating. Biomass fuels are primarily used for heating purposes * Roughly 50% of every log run through a sawmill becomes wood waste, which in turn can be used as biomass fuel * A logging truck can carry 26 tons…
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Funding Opportunity: Tribal Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Deployment Assistance

Funding Opportunity: Tribal Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Deployment Assistance

Events, Trainings & Opportunities
  The deadline to apply for this program is June 20, 2013 The Department of Energy is soliciting applications from Indian Tribes, Tribal Energy Resource Development Organizations and Tribal Consortia, to install “community-scale” or “facility-scale” renewable energy and/or energy efficiency energy projects on Indian lands.  The renewable energy and/or energy efficiency projects are intended to provide electricity and/or heating and cooling or efficiency measures for existing tribal buildings, including homes, businesses, community buildings, government buildings, or other tribal facilities.  Projects selected under this Funding Opportunity Announcement are intended to reduce energy costs and increase energy security for Indian Tribes and tribal members.   Click HERE to learn more about this funding opportunity   Funding Opportunity Announcement Number: DE-FOA-0000853  
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