Fieldnotes Blog

Food Security in Sitka: The Sitka Local Foods Network

Food Security in Sitka: The Sitka Local Foods Network

Community Watershed Stewardship
  Food Security in Sitka: The Sitka Local Foods Network   Born of a need and desire voiced by the Sitka community to have more access to healthy, locally produced foods, The Sitka Local Foods Network is a non-profit organization working to support a thriving local food system in their community.   During the 2008 Annual Sitka Health Summit, community members identified a need for better access to healthy, locally produced food as a community health priority. The Sitka Local Foods Network was created to support the development of a community market, community greenhouse, and community garden program to promote a local food system.   The Local Foods Network currently focuses on the following five priorities: 1. Creating and operating the Sitka Farmers Market 2. Expanding local community and family…
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Funding Opportunity: Environmental Solutions For Communities Grant Program

Funding Opportunity: Environmental Solutions For Communities Grant Program

Events, Trainings & Opportunities
Funding Opportunity: Environmental Solutions For Communities Grant Program       Deadline to submit proposals: December 16, 2013   Wells Fargo and the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation seek to promote sustainable communities through Environmental Solutions for Communities by supporting highly-visible projects that link economic development and community well-being to the stewardship and health of the environment. Collectively, investments under this initiative will promote a sustainable future for communities by: Supporting sustainable agricultural practices and private lands stewardship; Conserving critical land and water resources and improving local water quality; Restoring and managing natural habitat, species and ecosystems that are important to community livelihoods; Facilitating investments in green infrastructure, renewable energy and energy efficiency; and Encouraging broad-based citizen and targeted youth participation in project implementation.   Grant awards will typically range…
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Funding Opportunity: NOAA Community-Based Marine Debris Prevention & Removal Grant Program

Funding Opportunity: NOAA Community-Based Marine Debris Prevention & Removal Grant Program

  Deadline: November 1, 2013   This funding supports locally driven, community-based marine debris prevention and removal projects that benefit coastal habitat, waterways, and wildlife including migratory fish. Projects awarded through this grant competition have strong on-the-ground habitat restoration components involving the removal of marine debris, including derelict fishing gear. Projects also provide benefits to coastal communities, and create long-term ecological habitat improvements for NOAA trust resources.   Through this solicitation NOAA identifies marine debris removal projects, strengthens the development and implementation of habitat restoration through community-based marine debris removal, and fosters awareness of the effects of marine debris to further the conservation of living marine resource habitats, as well as contribute to the understanding of debris types and impacts.   Successful proposals through this solicitation will be funded through…
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Pullen Creek Riparian Project

Pullen Creek Riparian Project

Community Watershed Stewardship
  This year the Taiya Inlet Watershed Council in Skagway undertook a project to protect critical salmon spawning habitat in Pullen Creek, a popular attraction for visitors.   [caption id="attachment_1355" align="aligncenter" width="507"] Pullen Creek and proposed project site[/caption] Located near Skagway's cruise ship docks and featuring dazzling annual runs of king, pink, and coho salmon, Pullen Creek is an easily accessible natural attraction for the many visitors traveling to Skagway each summer. Unfortunately, lacking a formal trail system or viewing area, the creek's riparian area has become degraded by visitors walking along the creek's edges to experience the salmon up close; causing streambank erosion, and trampled riparian vegetation that impact habitat crucial to salmon reproduction in the creek.        Road near the creek and riparian area before fence…
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GROW STRONG: Takshanuk Watershed Council Growing a Healthy Community

GROW STRONG: Takshanuk Watershed Council Growing a Healthy Community

Community Watershed Stewardship
  Food security and self-reliance are critical components to building sustainable communities in Southeast Alaska. Southeast communities’ characteristic remoteness and isolation make transport and delivery of important resources such as food or fuel more difficult. Recognizing the importance of working toward community self-reliance and increasing community food security, the residents of Haines voiced a desire for access to more locally produced foods. The Takshanuk Watershed Council listened to this request and responded with the development of their Grow Strong food security program.   The World Food Summit of 1996 defined food security as existing “when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life”. Food prices in Southeast communities carry a shipping cost that can be seen in the higher price…
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Funding Opportunity: Northern Boundary and Transboundary Rivers Restoration & Enhancement Fund

Funding Opportunity: Northern Boundary and Transboundary Rivers Restoration & Enhancement Fund

Events, Trainings & Opportunities
Northern Boundary and Transboundary Rivers Restoration & Enhancement Fund Call for Proposals for the 2014 Project Year   Proposals are due August 25, 2013   The Northern Fund Committee operates within the mandate established for it in the 1999 Agreement between Canada and the United States under the Pacific Salmon Treaty (PST). The mandate states that the Northern Fund shall be employed as a long-term and stable monetary base that supports projects that assist stocks and fisheries covered under the Pacific Salmon Treaty. It specifies that the proceeds from the Northern Fund shall be used to support the following types of activities:   Development of improved information for resource management, including better stock assessment, data acquisition and improved scientific understanding of limiting factors affecting salmon production in the freshwater and…
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Funding Opportunity: AK Sustainable Salmon Fund CFP

Funding Opportunity: AK Sustainable Salmon Fund CFP

Events, Trainings & Opportunities
    The Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fund has issued a Call For Proposals with a deadline of August 28th, 2013   AKSSF staff is offering a webinar on July 30th (9:00 – 11:00 a.m.) to help applicants understand AKSSF proposal development and the project selection processes.   To join this webinar please contact Terry Tavel -; 907-465-6117   The categories for High Priority Objective project funding in the Southeast Alaska region are:   Goal 1: Habitat – Projects proposed under this goal must contribute to the conservation of salmon or steelhead habitat. Goal 2: Stock Assessment – Projects proposed under this goal must contribute to management of salmon or steelhead populations utilized for subsistence.   See below or follow the buttons for more detailed information on this CFP and SE High Priority Objective project funding: [button…
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Path to Prosperity: Sustainable Business Development Competition

Path to Prosperity: Sustainable Business Development Competition

Events, Trainings & Opportunities
    The Nature Conservancy has partnered up with Haa Aani Community Development Fund to create the Path to Prosperity (P2P) business development competition.The competition is designed to promote the development of sustainable businesses and aims to launch growth companies that will increase local employment, have a positive social and economic impact on their communities, promote sustainable use of local resources, and increase entrepreneurial know-how and business leadership in Southeast Alaska. Two winning entrepreneurs will receive an award of up to $40,000 in seed funding for consulting/technical assistance to develop their business concept, along with support in finding investor funding. Business ideas will be judged primarily on the basis of their feasibility and their positive social impact. P2P is open to individuals, for-profit businesses or tribal entities. Business ideas may include a new business or…
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Save the Date: WESPAK Training September 23-25, Juneau

Save the Date: WESPAK Training September 23-25, Juneau

Events, Trainings & Opportunities
[caption id="attachment_739" align="aligncenter" width="491"] Chiska Derr, Catherine Pohl, and Richard Chapell discuss a tidal wetland in Haines; WESPAK training September 2012[/caption] This is an early “heads-up” announcement about the free WESPAK wetland methodology three day training workshop with Dr. Paul Adamus, September 23-25, 2013 in Juneau. Location and times to be announced.   The workshop has a maximum of 25 participants. Participants will be chosen to promote a maximum diversity of agency, organization, and consultation participation, and therefore may not be able to accommodate all applicants. We are not accepting class registration at this time.   More information should become available in the next three weeks. Questions or comments please contact: Teri Camery, Senior Planner City and Borough of Juneau Community Development Department (907) 586-0755 phone; (907) 586-3365 fax  
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