Fieldnotes Blog

Assessing Food Security in Kake

Assessing Food Security in Kake

Community Watershed Stewardship
  Post written by Lia Heifetz   [caption id="attachment_4233" align="aligncenter" width="611"] Kake youth learn fish processing techniques at this summer’s Culture Camp[/caption] This fall, residents of Kake participated in a focus group to understand where opportunities exist to improve local wild food gathering and harvesting. The goal of this focus group was to determine which future cooperative efforts and direct investments in resources may improve the ease and efficiency of local gathering and harvesting. Constructive and instructive feedback was heard from seven Kake residents who participated in gathering wild foods. The dominant topic of discussion was the subsistence harvest of sockeye salmon. Due to high prices of fuel, the cost of harvesting sockeye salmon under current procedures may not make sense financially and environmentally. Changes to make the process more…
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Recap: The 2013 Sustainable Southeast Network Annual Meeting

Recap: The 2013 Sustainable Southeast Network Annual Meeting

Community Watershed Stewardship, Events, Trainings & Opportunities
  This November community leaders and practitioners from 7 Southeast communities gathered for two days to share their stories, goals, opportunities, and challenges faced working toward sustainable community development and resource management in Southeast Alaska. [one_half]   [/one_half] [one_half_last] Those individuals that attended this meeting actively participate in a collaborative network of professionals and organizations with the common goal of supporting community efforts through information, knowledge, and resource exchange to build projects, programs and strategies that respond to the most pressing issues facing our communities, economies, and environments in Southeast Alaska. Coordinated by SAWC in partnership with the Tongass People and Place Program, this collaborative effort is called the Sustainable Southeast Network. This first Annual Meeting of the Sustainable Southeast Network brought together community-based professionals from Haines, Skagway, Juneau, Sitka,…
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Hoonah Indian Assocation Addresses Community Energy, Natural Resource Management, & Workforce Development

Hoonah Indian Assocation Addresses Community Energy, Natural Resource Management, & Workforce Development

Community Watershed Stewardship
    Like many communities in rural Southeast Alaska, Hoonah is working to address issues with high cost energy, sustainable economic development, and informed resource management.    John Hillman, Director of Natural Resources for the Hoonah Indian Association, has developed a multi-faceted project that addresses multiple community needs while building a workforce with the skills necessary to adapt to the changing economic climate in rural Southeast Alaska.   The primary goal of this project is to use ecological forest restoration as an avenue for local workforce capacity development in an effort to improve both forest and community resilience.   In a collaborative effort between the US Forest Service, Hoonah Indian Assocation, City of Hoonah, Southeast Alaska Conservation Council (SEACC), and Southeast Alaska Wilderness Exploration, Analysis, and Discovery (SEAWEAD), John has assembled…
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Community Snapshot: Sitka

Community Snapshot: Sitka

Community Watershed Stewardship
[caption id="attachment_1439" align="alignleft" width="711"] Sitka, Alaska. Image from City & Borough of Sitka website[/caption]   Last month, the Coalition teamed up with Bob Christensen, coordinator for the People Place Program and Mike Skinner, a sustainable economic development specialist from Bainbridge Graduate Institute in Seattle to spend a week in Sitka checking out the happenings at Southeast Conference's Annual Meeting and meeting with members of the community working firsthand on informed resource management and sustainable development issues.   We first met with Lisa Sadleir-Hart, Board President of the Sitka Local Foods Network. She gave us a brief history of the organization, born of a community need for access to more nutritious, locally produced foods. Sitka Local Foods Network promotes and encourages the use of locally grown, harvested, and produced foods in Sitka…
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