Fieldnotes Blog

Community Food Security in Angoon: Garden Assistance Program

Community Food Security in Angoon: Garden Assistance Program

Community Watershed Stewardship
  [su_frame][/su_frame]The only permanent settlement on Admiralty Island, 55 miles Southwest of Juneau and 41 miles North of Sitka, Angoon is a small community of about 570 residents. Because of the community’s remote location, produce available in town is very expensive and has often traveled hundreds if not thousands of miles before reaching the consumer. Angoon’s climate is much drier than that of other Southeast communities, providing residents with an excellent opportunity to grow produce that will offset the expensive and reduced-quality produced currently barged in.   Meredith Pochardt, Takshanuk Watershed Council’s Food Security Coordinator is working with the community of Angoon to initiate the Angoon School/Community Garden Project. The goal of the projects is to establish a garden that will be utilized by teachers, students, and the community as…
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Southeast Alaska Fish Habitat Partnership Recognized by National Fish Habitat Board

Southeast Alaska Fish Habitat Partnership Recognized by National Fish Habitat Board

Community Watershed Stewardship
Congratulations to our friends at the Southeast Alaska Fish Habitat Partnership!   SEAKFHP has been granted full recognition status by the National Fish Habitat Board   SEAKFHP works to foster cooperative fish habitat conservation in Southeast Alaska and partners closely with SAWC to support and inform aquatic resource management in the region.   [gview file=""]  
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National Fish Habitat Conservation Act Introduced to Senate

National Fish Habitat Conservation Act Introduced to Senate

From our friends at the National Fish Habitat Partnership and the Southeast Alaska Fish Habitat Partnership: [su_pullquote]"To conserve fish and aquatic communities in the United States through partnerships that foster fish habitat conservation, improve the quality of life for the people of the United States, enhance fish and wildlife-dependent recreation, and for other purposes."[/su_pullquote] A bi-partisan bill introduced to the senate last week by Senators Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Mike Crapo (R-ID) will help conserve aquatic resources and support collaborative fish habitat conservation efforts. S. 2080 -The National Fish Habitat Conservation Act was written, “To conserve fish and aquatic communities in the United States through partnerships that foster fish habitat conservation, improve the quality of life for the people of the United States, enhance fish and wildlife-dependent recreation, and for…
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Haines Wetland Program Underway With Local Advisory Committee Meeting

Haines Wetland Program Underway With Local Advisory Committee Meeting

Community Watershed Stewardship, Restoration & Mitigation
On February 28th, the Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition’s Aquatic Resource Mitigation Coordinator will facilitate a meeting in Haines to discuss community wetlands identification and planning with a local advisory committee. The meeting is hosted by the Chilkoot Indian Association and is part of a tribal initiative to develop a public education tool that will inform the public and developers on the presence and value of wetlands in Haines.   The CIA and SAWC have invited Teri Camery, a senior planner and wetland review board lead for the City and Borough of Juneau, to present at the meeting and share with participants the experience of the CBJ in mapping and assessing wetlands in their community. SAWC works to support local governments and tribes to play an active role informing natural resource management…
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Tongass Advisory Committee Seeking Nominations

Tongass Advisory Committee Seeking Nominations

Events, Trainings & Opportunities
See information below, courtesy of the National Forest Foundation:   The Tongass National Forest recently established the Tongass Advisory Committee and is currently seeking nominations.  Please consider applying or share with your organization or within your community. The Tongass Advisory Committee (TAC) will play a key role in USDA’s effort to transition the Tongass from a timber program focused on old growth to one based primarily on young growth. The TAC will be solely advisory in nature, advising the Secretary of Agriculture, through the Chief of the Forest Service, by providing advice and recommendations for developing an ecologically, socially, and economically sustainable forest management strategy on the Tongass National Forest.   Recommendations and advice may directly inform modification of the 2008 Tongass Land Management Plan. All activities of the Committee will…
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USFS Tier II Protocol Training Opportunity

USFS Tier II Protocol Training Opportunity

Events, Trainings & Opportunities
USFS Tier II Protocol training | Sitka, AK | April 2014   Tier II is one method of quantifying the quality of stream habitat for spawning and rearing salmonids. It focuses on stream and channel morphology, and pool-forming structures in streams. Among agencies and funding organizations, it is a well-accepted approach. Therefore, by being trained in Tier II, you will be able to provide credible information and/or have a good understanding to advocate for stream restoration projects.   This training is appropriate for any group interested in or actively partnering with federal / state / municipal agencies, or private landowners on stream restoration projects.   Scott Harris, Conservation Science Director with Sitka Conservation Society, has talked with the Tongass National Forest and they are excited to conduct a Tier II…
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Sitka Conservation Society to Assess Effectiveness of Salmon Habitat Restoration

Sitka Conservation Society to Assess Effectiveness of Salmon Habitat Restoration

Community Watershed Stewardship
The Sitka Conservation Society has received funding to being a monitoring project that will assess the effectiveness of salmon habitat restoration projects on the Tongass National Forest on Prince of Wales Island. This monitoring project will take a "Triple Bottom Line" approach, addressing  environmental, economic, and social values to bolster the project's overall impact to support developing resilient Southeast Alaska communities.   More about this project from SCS below:   [gview file=""]     [caption id="attachment_4008" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Scott Harris of SCS surveys a stream in Hoonah for restoration opportunities[/caption]   For more information on this project, contact: Scott Harris, Conservation Science Director Sitka Conservation Society 907.738.4091
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