Promoting Outdoor Recreation in Alaska is HUGE for the ECONOMY!!

Promoting Outdoor Recreation in Alaska is HUGE for the ECONOMY!!

Community Watershed Stewardship
Outdoor Recreation is BIG Business These days, many sectors of the economy are under harsh scruenty from different sides of the ideological arugement. Weather it be health insurance, natrual resource extraction, renewable energy, the industrial food system - very rarely can we all agree that what drives are economy is good for all of us... However, there is a silent giant amongst us that the majority of us in Southeast Alaska can get behind and promote without hesitation. The outdoor recreation economy grew approximately 5% annually between 2005-2011- this during an economic recession when many of the traditional sectors contracted. Take a look at this report recently released by the Outdoor Industry Association: [button url="" color="aqua" width="full" ]The Outdoor Recreation Economy[/button]   Does your community have an outdoor recreation opportunity…
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Salmon in The Trees Author Amy Gulick in Haines AK

Salmon in The Trees Author Amy Gulick in Haines AK

Community Watershed Stewardship, Events, Trainings & Opportunities
Award wining author and photographer Amy Gulick will be in Haines Alaska October 17th-20th Join us in Haines for a week of photography workshops, Chilkat River Tours, and a celebration of the rich cultural and natural wonders of the Chilkat Valley. [styledbox type="information" ]Scheduled Events[/styledbox] This week of events was made possible by the organization and coordination of 7 Echoes Homestead in Haines Alaska. For more information please visit the website of this community-based effort.  
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Identifying Potential Mitigation Sites in Juneau

Identifying Potential Mitigation Sites in Juneau

Community Watershed Stewardship, Restoration & Mitigation
On September 17th, Melany traveled to Juneau and met with John Hudson from the US Fish and Wildlife Service to conduct site assessments for as many as 12 potential mitigation sites.  It was extremely informative and productive.  I quickly learned how tedious it can be to view each site from the perspective of a habitat biologist, fisheries biologist and ecologist, which are all important scopes in identifying potential mitigation projects. Check out an example of the Project Report from one of the sites we identified at Fish Creek on North Douglas Island: Fish Creek-West Pond Enhancement This was an excellent example of a site that needs enhancement to improve fish habitat. Google Earth image of West Pond site West pond has very steep side banks that would benefit from a…
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Communities and Tribes on Prince of Wales gather for project planning workshop

Communities and Tribes on Prince of Wales gather for project planning workshop

Community Watershed Stewardship, Events, Trainings & Opportunities
The Prince of Wales Watershed Association invites SAWC to facilitate a community-based watershed project planning workshop in Craig Alaska. Thanks very much to the leadership board and staff of the Prince of Wales Watershed Association and the staff of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Tongass National Forest, the National Forest Foundation, and the Southeast Alaska Watershed for dedicating your time and energy to the two day workshop in Craig. It was an incredibly resourceful few days for participants, presentors and facilitators. Workshop Topics Included: Sustainable Rural Communities and Coordinating Rural Networks Building Organizational Core Strategies, Capacities, and Structures The Watershed Approach The Watershed Condition Framework the U.S. National Forest assessment of Prince of Wales; Angela Coleman, Tongass National Forest, Craig Ranger District (USFS) Community-Based Watershed Assessments; John…
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Identification of Potential Restoration Projects in Southeast Alaska

Identification of Potential Restoration Projects in Southeast Alaska

Community Watershed Stewardship
Recent SAWC Project: For the past three months SAWC has been working on identifying potential restoration sites in Southeast Alaska focusing on Haines and Skagway.  It has been extremely insightful to learn about the areas that would classify for restoration as well as work with the community to identify these potential sites.   For each site we have compiled site photographs, maps and project reports using GIS and Google Earth.  We hope to continue this project in many other communities in Southeast Alaska. Here is an example of our Project Report Template and Potential Restoration Site Identification and Inventory Form for each site:   Project Report Template Potential Restoration Site Identification and Inventory Form This project is in partnership with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Takshanuk Watershed Council and Taiya…
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Staff at SAWC

Staff at SAWC

Community Watershed Stewardship
SAWC has an Aquatic Resource Data Technician! Melany is currently conducting an inventory assessment of mitigation sites in Southeast Alaska!  She is documenting site reports and collecting information in order to map each site using ArcGIS and Google maps.  Currently, her focus is on Haines and then she will continue to establish sites in Skagway, Juneau, Yakutat and all communities in Southeast Alaska. Biography:  Melany has worked in scientific research for numerous projects over the years including neutrino research with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, GPS surveys through the Geophysical Institute in Fairbanks, Chinook research in Haines and climate monitoring/air sampling with NOAA in Barrow.  She is developing her skills as a GIS expert and enjoys both working on the computer and conducting field work.  She has lived and worked in…
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Community-Based Watershed Management Forum: Re-cap and Resources

Community-Based Watershed Management Forum: Re-cap and Resources

Community Watershed Stewardship
A wide range of diverse stakeholders and user groups, across Alaska, gathered to discuss locally lead watershed projects and management strategies that are making sustainable impacts in communities. The National Forest Foundation and the Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition, would like to extend a VERY BIG thank you to Forum presenters, organizers, volunteers, and all of the participants who invested their time and energy by participating at the event. Including, Community-Based Watershed Groups, Municipalities, Tribes, Alaska State Legislature Representatives,  Federal  and State Natural Resource Agencies, Industry, Native Corporations, Businesses, Natural Resources Professionals, and local Citizens. Presentations Restoration: Education & Regulation - Changing Community Perspectives over 15 years of ATV management in Yakutat An Assessment of Habitat Restoration Practices in Juneau (USFWS) Municipal Wetlands Management: Overview of the City & Borough of Juneau…
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Win a travel scholarship to the March Forum

Win a travel scholarship to the March Forum

Community Watershed Stewardship
Community-Based Watershed Management Forum Poster Session March 8th, 5:30 – 6:30 pm Baranof Hotel, Juneau [two_columns ] The Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition (SAWC) and the National Forest Foundation (NFF) invite you to attend the Forum and participate in a poster session. This is a free event for participants and there are travel scholarships available for those individuals/organizations who contribute to the forum by sharing their community-based watershed related projects during the Poster Session on March 8th. There are numerous examples of community-based watershed projects being implemented across Southeast Alaska and the State. This poster session will provide an opportunity to inform other municipalities, tribes, watershed councils, and community-based organizations of your project and promote watershed resiliency and sustainable communities. Posters that emphasize the following points will be entered in a drawing…
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Water Quality Training: February 15  (webinar)

Water Quality Training: February 15 (webinar)

Community Watershed Stewardship
Water quality standards are the building blocks to developing projects that restore and protect high value rivers, lakes and wetlands... [two_columns ] This is 101- level training and is suitable for: [list style="check" color="blue"] Watershed Organizations Land Trusts Tribal governments Wildlife Groups Municipality staffers [/list] Water quality standards establish the uses we make or want to make of our rivers (from swimming to tourism to salmon habitat to hydropower) and set limits for pollutants and other parameters necessary to make rivers safe for the uses a community identifies as important and necessary. Save your spot! February 15, 2012, 8am Alaska Time RSVP online at What you will learn? The basic components of standards - designated uses, water quality criteria, and the antidegradation policy - and how they can be used…
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Regional Assessment Results

Regional Assessment Results

Community Watershed Stewardship
Watershed Assessments and Plans, Effective Adult Outreach and Education & Potential Funding Opportunities... these are the top three resources community professionals reported they needed in order to be more effective at promoting, stewarding and sustainably developing their local watersheds In 2011 SAWC conducted a Southeast Alaska regional assessment in order to understand better the resources local government employees, tribes and community-based non-profit organizations need to enhance their local watershed efforts. [two_columns ] Community-Based Needs Assessment of Watershed Management Survey Survey participants were selected based on their involvement with community and municipal organizations in Southeast Alaska and contact information was found through internet searches.  Participants were asked three questions regarding community-based watershed management in their communities.  These questions were as follows: [list style="arrow" color="blue"] Who deals with watershed issues and management…
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